Result List Format Style Guide

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Result List Format Style Guide

In order to create consistency between different RESULT LIST FORMATS, the following styles should be adhere to when crafting your RESULT LIST FORMAT.


Always Include

Always include the following three columns.

Rank, and always the first column.

DisplayName (or DisplayNameAbbreviated)

Aggregrate Score



    "Header": "Rank",

    "ClassList": [



    "Body": "{Rank}",

    "ShowWhen" : {

        "Operation" : "VARIABLE",

        "Condition" : "TRUE",

        "Not" : false




    "BodyLinkTo": "ResultCOF",

    "Header": "Athlete",

    "ClassList": [



    "Body": "{DisplayNameAbbreviated}",

    "ShowWhen" : {                        

        "Operation" : "VARIABLE",

        "Condition": "TRUE" ,

        "Not" : false                        




    "BodyLinkTo": "None",

    "Header": "Aggregate",

    "ClassList": [



    "Body": "{Aggregate}",

    "ShowWhen" : {

        "Operation" : "VARIABLE",

        "Condition" : "TRUE",

        "Not" : false




One of GAP, DFL (Distance from Leader), and DFF (Distance from Final) should be included in an INTERMEDIATE and UNOFFICIAL Result List. They should be excluded in both FUTURE and an OFFICIAL Result List. GAP should be used in Finals. DFL or DFF should be used in qualification or events without a Final.



    "Header": "DFL",

    "ClassList": [



    "Body": "{Gap}",

    "ShowWhen" : {

        "Operation" : "EQUATION",

        "Boolean" : "OR",

        "Arguments" : [


                "Operation" : "VARIABLE",

                "Condition": "RESULT_STATUS_INTERMEDIATE" ,

                "Not" : false



                "Operation" : "VARIABLE",

                "Condition": "RESULT_STATUS_UNOFFICIAL" ,

                "Not" : false



        "Not" : false



Stage Columns

Columns that list scores for an EventType Stage, should be displayed on Medium (or larger) resolution screens.



    "BodyLinkTo": "None",

    "Header": "Prone",

    "ClassList": [



    "Body": "{Prone}",

    "ShowWhen" : {                        

        "Operation" : "VARIABLE",

        "Condition": "DIMENSION_MEDIUM" ,

        "Not" : false                        



Class Lists for Columns

The following are the common class list names, and their uses, for columns.

rlf-col-event: For columns showing EventType Event scores.

rlf-col-gap: For columns listing GAP, DFL, or DFF values.

rlf-col-matchinfo: For columns listing information about the match.

rlf-col-participant: For columns listing information about the athlete or team.

rlf-col-profile: For columns that have PublicProfile set.

rlf-col-rank: For columns showing the athlete's or team's current rank.

rlf-col-stage: For columns showing EventType Stage scores.

Class Lists for Rows

The following are the common class list names, and their uses, for rows.

rlf-row-athlete: For Body rows that represent an athlete.

rlf-row-child: For Children rows.

rlf-row-footer: For Footer rows.

rlf-row-header: For Header rows.

rlf-row-team: For Body rows that represent a team.




The Reconfigurable Rulebook and functionality will be fully implemented in the 3.0 release of Orion Scoring System. Athena and Rezults both 100% implement the Reconfigurable Rulebook.