<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Support > Reconfigurable Rulebook > Definition Objects > RangeScripts |
A RangeScript details the range command script for the chief range officer to give during the course of fire, the set up and configuration of Athena compliant ESTs, and the labeling for paper targets. There can be multiple RangeScripts per COURSE OF FIRE. Each one can be designed for ESTs, paper targets, or both (although in practice it is usually one or the other).
Name |
Value Type |
Description |
RangeScriptName |
String |
A unique human readable name given to this RangeScript. Required and may not be empty. |
DesignedForEST |
Boolean |
True if this RangeScript is intended to be used with Athena compliant ESTs. False if it is not. Not required, defaults to False. Either DesignedforEST or DesignedForPaper must be True. |
DesignedForPaper |
Boolean |
True if this RangeScript is intended to be used with paper targets for scoring with Orion. False if it is not. Not required, defaults to False. Either DesignedforEST or DesignedForPaper must be True. |
PaperTargetLabels |
List of PaperTargetLabel |
List of available options for printing barcode labels on paper targets. Required with at least one object, if DesignedForPaper is True. Not required otherwise and defaults to an empty list. |
DefaultCommand |
Default values for each SegmentGroupCommand in the SegmentGroup.Commands list, if a field value is not listed. Required. |
DefaultSegment |
Default value for each SegmentGroupSegment in the SegmentGroup.Segments list, if a field value is not listed. Required if DesignedForEST is true. Ignored if false. |
SegmentGroups |
List of SegmentGroup |
List of SegmentGroups used to help run the match. Required, with at least one SegmentGroup. |
Comment |
String |
Internal documentation comments. All text is ignored by the system. |
"RangeScriptName" : "Qualification for EST",
"DesignedForEST" : true,
"DesignedForPaper" : false,
"PaperTargetLabels" : [ ],
"SegmentGroups" : [
"SegmentGroupName" : "Pre-Competition",
"Segments" : [
"SegmentName" : "Pre-Competition",
"NumberOfShots" : 0,
"NextSegments" : [ ],
"StageLabel" : "S",
"Decorations" : [
"TargetDef" : "v1.0:issf:10m Air Pistol",
"AthleteHasControl" : [
"Target Light"
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "",
"Notes" : "Before a competition, the Range Officers must prepare the range for firing. Athletes may not move their equipment to the firing line until the Chief Range Officer calls them to the firiing line.",
"Timer" : "0:00:00.0",
"GreenLight" : 0,
"RedLight" : 100,
"ShotAttributes" : [
"TargetHeight" : 1400,
"TargetLight" : 100
"Command" : "",
"Notes" : "Recommended match enhancements include playing music in the range during the warm-up, sighting and competition times and, if possible, displaying the online Leaderboard in the range by using a projector or large screen TV."
"Command" : "Welcome to the {match name} Air Pistol Match",
"Notes" : "The Range Officer begins each relay by calling athletes to the firing line and then welcoming them to the competition. "
"Command" : "Relay Number {relay number} you may move your pistols and equipment to the firing line ... bench your pistols"
"Command" : "You may uncase and handle your pistols.",
"Notes" : "When the HANDLE YOUR PISTOLS command is given, athletes may handle their pistols, remove safety flags, perform holding exercises, and dry fire. This command should be given at least 15 minutes before the Preparation and Sighting time to allow athletes sufficient time to warm up"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Sighters",
"Segments" : [
"SegmentName" : "Sighters",
"NumberOfShots" : -1,
"StageLabel" : "S",
"NextSegments" : [ ],
"Decorations" : [
"TargetDef" : "v1.0:issf:10m Air Pistol"
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "Preparation and sighting time ... time limit 15 minutes.",
"Notes" : "This is a combined Preparation and Sighting Time.",
"Timer" : "0:15:00.0",
"ShotAttributes" : [
"Command" : "START",
"Notes" : "During this period, athletes may dry fire or fire unlimited sighting shots.",
"RedLight" : 0,
"GreenLight" : 100,
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN",
"ShotAttributes" : [
"GreenLight" : 0,
"OccursAt" : "0:14:55.0"
"Command" : "30 seconds",
"Notes" : "The Range Officer gives a 30 second warning after 14 minutes, 30 seconds."
"Command" : "End of preparation and sighting ... STOP",
"Notes" : "After the command STOP between the Sighting and Record stages, pistols may remain loaded and in position ready for the Record Fire START command.",
"TimerCommand" : "STOP",
"RedLight" : 100,
"ShotAttributes" : [
"SegmentName" : "Qualification",
"Segments" : [
"SegmentName" : "Qualification",
"NumberOfShots" : 60,
"StageLabel" : "S",
"Decorations" : [ ],
"NextSegments" : [ ]
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "60 record shots in a time limit of 75 minutes ... match firing ...",
"Notes" : "The time limit begins when the command START is given",
"Timer" : "1:15:00.0"
"Command" : "Start",
"Notes" : "Athletes may fire their record shots.",
"RedLight" : 0,
"GreenLight" : 100,
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN",
"ShotAttributes" : [ ]
"GreenLight" : 0,
"OccursAt" : "1:14:55.0"
"Command" : "Five minutes.",
"Notes" : "The range officer gives a five minute warning."
"Command" : "Two minutes.",
"Notes" : "The range officer gives a two minute warning."
"Command" : "STOP ... UNLOAD",
"Notes" : "When the STOP—UNLOAD command is given, all athletes must insert Safety Flags and ground their pistols.",
"TimerCommand" : "STOP",
"RedLight" : 100,
"GreenLight" : 0,
"ShotAttributes" : [
"SegmentName" : "Post-Competition",
"Segments" : [
"SegmentName" : "Post-Competition",
"NumberOfShots" : 0,
"StageLabel" : "S",
"Decorations" : [
"NextSegments" : [ ]
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "Athletes, you may remove your equipment from the firing line"
"Command" : "You may discharge air or gas downrange.",
"Notes" : "Athletes are instructed to remove their equipment from the firing line to prepare for the next relay of athletes. Athletes who wish to case their pistols before removing them from the firing line are authorized to close the pistol actions and discharge air or gas before casing them."
"Notes" : "If there are additional relays of athletes to fire, the Range Officer returns to the welcome and call to the firing line for the next relay according to the scheduled start time for that relay."
"RangeScriptName" : "Qualification for Paper Targets",
"DesignedForEST" : false,
"DesignedForPaper" : true,
"PaperTargetLabels" : [
"PaperTargetLabelName" : "12 Bull Targets",
"ShotsPerBull" : 1,
"Labels" : [
"StageLabel" : "P",
"SeriesLabels" : "1",
"TargetName" : "10m Air Rifle 12 Bull Target"
"StageLabel" : "S",
"SeriesLabels" : "1",
"TargetName" : "10m Air Rifle 12 Bull Target"
"StageLabel" : "K",
"SeriesLabels" : "1",
"TargetName" : "10m Air Rifle 12 Bull Target"
"SegmentGroups" : [
"SegmentGroupName" : "Pre-Competition",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "",
"Notes" : "Before a competition, the Range Officers must prepare the range for firing. Athletes may not move their equipment to the firing line until the Chief Range Officer calls them to the firiing line.",
"Timer" : "0:00:00.0"
"Command" : "Welcome to the {match name} Three-Position Air Rifle Match",
"Notes" : "The Range Officer begins each relay by calling athletes to the firing line and then welcoming them to the competition. "
"Command" : "Relay Number {relay number} you may move your rifles and equipment to the firing line.",
"Notes" : "Athletes will be asked to go downrange to hang their targets, all rifles must be grounded wiht actions open and CBIs inserted before anyone goes downrange.",
"Command" : "Is the line clear?",
"Notes" : "Range Officers must signal YES or NO to indicate that all rifles are grounded with CBIs inserted.",
"Command" : "The line is clear ... go forward and hang your targets.",
"Notes" : "Coaches, athlets, or target handlers may go downrange tohang targets. No one may handle rifles while personnel are downrange.",
"Command" : "You may uncase and handle your rifles.",
"Notes" : "When the 'uncase and handle your rifles' command is given, athletes must orient gun cases so that rifle muzzles are pointed downrange when they come out of the case."
"Command" : "Take your positions.",
"Notes" : "The 'take your positions' command should be given at least 15 minutes before the Start Time (the time when Record firing starts) and allow a minimum of five minutes for athletes to prepare. After being instructed to take their positions, athletes may set up their equipment, take their prone positions and do holding and aiming exercises. Safety Flags may not be removed."
"SegmentGroupName" : "Prone Sighters",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "Preparation and sighting time ... time limit 8 minutes ...",
"Notes" : "This is a combined Preparation and Sighting Time. During this period, athletes may get into their firing positions, remove Safety Flags and dry fire or fire sighting shots. If athletes are new to this procedure, the Range Officer may explain that the command START authorizes them to load and begin firing when they are ready.",
"Timer" : "0:08:00.0"
"Command" : "Start",
"Notes" : "This is a combined Preparation and Sighting Time. During this period, athletes may get into their firing positions, remove Safety Flags and dry fire or fire sighting shots. If athletes are new to this procedure, the Range Officer may explain that the command START authorizes them to load and begin firing when they are ready."
"Command" : "30 seconds",
"Notes" : "The Range Officer gives a 30 second warning after 7 minutes, 30 seconds."
"Command" : "Sighting shots ... stop",
"Notes" : "After the command STOP between the Sighting and Record stages, rifles may remain loaded and in position ready for the Record Fire START command.",
"TimerCommand" : "STOP"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Prone",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Notes" : "The time limit begins when the command START is given",
"Timer" : "0:10:00.0"
"Command" : "Start",
"Notes" : "Athletes may fire their record shots.",
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN"
"Command" : "Five minutes.",
"Notes" : "The range officer gives a five minute warning."
"Command" : "Two minutes.",
"Notes" : "The range officer gives a two minute warning."
"Command" : "Stop-Unload",
"Notes" : "When the STOP—UNLOAD command is given, all athletes must insert Safety Flags and ground their rifles.",
"TimerCommand" : "STOP"
"Command" : "Is the line clear?",
"Notes" : "Range Officers must signal YES or NO to indicate that all rifles are grounded with Safety Flags inserted.",
"Timer" : "0:00:00.0"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Standing Changover",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "The line is clear.",
"Timer" : "0:05:00.0"
"Command" : "Go forward and change targets.",
"Notes" : "Coaches, athletes, or target handlers may go downrange to hang targets. No one may handle rifles while personnel are downrange."
"Command" : "Take your positions. Your five minute changeover time for the standing position begins now.",
"Note" : "After being instructed to take their positions, athletes may change their equipment, take their standing positions, remove Safety Flags and dry fire.",
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Standing Sighters",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "Standing Position sighting stage ... time limit five minutes",
"Timer" : "0:05:00.0"
"Command" : "Start",
"Notes" : "This is a combined Preparation and Sighting Stage. During this period, athletes may get into their firing positions, remove Safety Flags and dry fire or shoot sighting shots.",
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN"
"Command" : "30 seconds",
"Notes" : "The Range Officer gives a 30 second warning after 4 minutes, 30 seconds."
"Command" : "Sighting shots ... stop",
"Notes" : "After the command STOP between the Sighting and Record stages, rifles may remain loaded and in position ready for the Record Fire START command.",
"TimerCommand" : "STOP"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Standing",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Notes" : "The time limit begins when the command START is given",
"Timer" : "0:15:00.0"
"Command" : "Start",
"Notes" : "Athletes may fire their record shots.",
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN"
"Command" : "Five minutes.",
"Notes" : "The range officer gives a five minute warning."
"Command" : "Two minutes.",
"Notes" : "The range officer gives a two minute warning."
"Command" : "Stop-Unload",
"Notes" : "When the STOP—UNLOAD command is given, all athletes must insert Safety Flags and ground their rifles.",
"TimerCommand" : "STOP"
"Command" : "Is the line clear?",
"Notes" : "Range Officers must signal YES or NO to indicate that all rifles are grounded with Safety Flags inserted.",
"Timer" : "0:00:00.0"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Kneeling Changover",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "The line is clear.",
"Timer" : "0:05:00.0"
"Command" : "Go forward and change targets.",
"Notes" : "Coaches, athletes, or target handlers may go downrange to hang targets. No one may handle rifles while personnel are downrange.",
"Command" : "Take your positions. Your five minute changeover time for the Kneeling position begins now.",
"Note" : "After being instructed to take their positions, athletes may change their equipment, take their Kneeling positions, remove Safety Flags and dry fire.",
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Kneeling Sighters",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "Kneeling Position sighting stage ... time limit five minutes ... start",
"Notes" : "This is a combined Preparation and Sighting Stage. During this period, athletes may get into their firing positions, remove Safety Flags and dry fire or shoot sighting shots.",
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN"
"Command" : "30 seconds",
"Notes" : "The Range Officer gives a 30 second warning after 4 minutes, 30 seconds."
"Command" : "Sighting shots ... stop",
"Notes" : "After the command STOP between the Sighting and Record stages, rifles may remain loaded and in position ready for the Record Fire START command.",
"TimerCommand" : "STOP"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Kneeling",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Notes" : "The time limit begins when the command START is given",
"Timer" : "0:10:00.0"
"Command" : "Start",
"Notes" : "Athletes may fire their record shots.",
"TimerCommand" : "STARTDOWN"
"Command" : "Five minutes.",
"Notes" : "The range officer gives a five minute warning."
"Command" : "Two minutes.",
"Notes" : "The range officer gives a two minute warning."
"Command" : "Stop-Unload",
"Notes" : "When the STOP—UNLOAD command is given, all athletes must insert Safety Flags and ground their rifles.",
"TimerCommand" : "STOP"
"Command" : "Is the line clear?",
"Notes" : "Range Officers must signal YES or NO to indicate that all rifles are grounded with Safety Flags inserted.",
"Timer" : "0:00:00.0"
"SegmentGroupName" : "Post-Competition",
"Segments" : [ ],
"Commands" : [
"Command" : "The line is clear"
"Command" : "Go forward and remove targets.",
"Notes" : "Coaches, athletes, or target handlers may go downrange to remove targets. No one may handle rifles while personnel are downrange.",
"Command" : "Athletes, you may remove your equipment from the firing line"
"Command" : "You may discharge air or gas downrange.",
"Notes" : "Athletes are instructed to remove their equipment from the firing line to prepare for the next relay of athletes. Athletes who wish to case their rifles before removing them from the firing line are authorized to close the rifle actions and discharge air or gas before casing them."
"Notes" : "If there are additional relays of athletes to fire, the Range Officer returns to the welcome and call to the firing line for the next relay according to the scheduled start time for that relay."
The Reconfigurable Rulebook and functionality will be fully implemented in the 3.0 release of Orion Scoring System. Athena and Rezults both 100% implement the Reconfigurable Rulebook.