Firing Point State

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Firing Point State

In the middle of the Range Control tab is the Firing Point state. This lists information about the state of each firing point, which is a Monitor and Target pairing.

Firing Point State Column


Firing Point

The firing point number.


The name of the Competitor who is (should be at least) firing on this firing point.

Comp. Number

The competitor number of the Competitor.


The relay number.

Course of Fire

The name of the Course of Fire that is loaded on the Target and Monitor.


The current name of the SegmentGroupSegment that the Target is on.


The name of the Target definition that the Target is currently using.

Last Shot

The value of the last shot, displayed in decimal.

When the mouse hovers over the cell also displays the last shot's Attributes, Stage Label, Sequence, scoring Bullet Diameter, and Settings from the Shot Detection process.

Target height

The height of the target. Measured in mm, its the distances from the center of the aiming bull to the ground.


A percentage indicating how bright the target lights are on.


A percentage indicating how bright the Green O lights are on.


A percentage indicating how bright the Red X lights are on.

Tape Feed

The distance the tape feed will advance after each shot. Measured in mm.

Target Error

A message string from the Target indicating an error or warning. If the field is blank no errors or warnings are reported.

The cell will be highlighted in yellow if the error or warning is sufficient enough the range officer should take action to correct.

Target Ping

Displays two values. First "Ping" is the round trip application message time for Orion to send a message to the Target and for the Target to respond. Note that this is not the same as an standard ping networking command. Other possible ping values include:

Disconnected: The Target has reported that it is not connected to IoT.

Out of Date: The Target has not responded to the most recent ping.

Unknown: The Target has not responded to any pings yet.

Second "WiFi" is the reported WiFi Strength of the Target, reported as a percentage. 100% is the best connection 0% is the worse.

The cell will be highlighted in yellow if the Target's power supply is too low, if the Target can not be pinged on the network, or if the WiFi strength is low but not critical.

The cell will be highlighted in red if the WiFi strength is critically low, or the CPU temperature is too high.

Monitor Ping

Displays two values. First "Ping" is the round trip application message time for Orion to send a message to the Monitor and for the Monitor to respond. Note that this is not the same as an standard ping networking command. Other possible ping values include:

Disconnected: The Monitor has reported that it is not connected to IoT.

Out of Date: The Monitor has not responded to the most recent ping.

Unknown: The Monitor has not responded to any pings yet.

Second "WiFi" is the reported WiFi Strength of the Monitor, reported as a percentage. 100% is the best connection 0% is the worse.

The cell will be highlighted in yellow if the Monitor's power supply is too low, if the Monitor can not be pinged on the network, or if the WiFi strength is low but not critical.

The cell will be highlighted in red if the WiFi strength is critically low, or the CPU temperature is too high.

Target Version

The firmware version number that the Target is currently running.

The cell will be highlighted in red if the version is not compatible with Orion's software version.

Monitor Version

The firmware version number that the Monitor is currently running.

The cell will be highlighted in red if the version is not compatible with Orion's software version.

Target Logging

The Target's Logging Level. The Default logging level is called "ERROR", which means only errors and critical messages are logged. If the logging level is set to high, for example INFO or DEBUG, over time this could damage the Target's micro SD card.

The cell will be highlighted in yellow if the logging level is set to a value other than ERROR.

Monitor Logging

The Monitor's Logging Level. The Default logging level is called "ERROR", which means only errors and critical messages are logged. If the logging level is set to high, for example INFO or DEBUG, over time this could damage the Monitor's micro SD card.

The cell will be highlighted in yellow if the logging level is set to a value other than ERROR.

All of these fields are read only and are updated only by the state that the Target or Monitor reports.

Background Color

The background color helps indicate what mode the firing point is in:

White indicates that firing point is in competition mode and an athlete is assigned to the firing point. Orion controls the operation of the firing point and is part of an Orion match.

Light Blue indicates that firing point is in competition mode and the firing point is set as a Hospital Point (no specific athlete is assigned).  Orion controls the operation of the firing point and is part of an Orion match.

Navajo-White indicates the firing point is in practice mode. The athlete firing on the firing point controls Monitor and Target.

Yellow indicates a warning on the target or monitor, usually something that may require an RSO's attention, but should not effect the functionality of the target. Once the warning is cleared, the color should return to normal.

Dark-Grey indicates the firing point is Disabled. Meaning Orion will not attempt to control it. It may be disabled because repairs are needed, or because another Orion system is currently controlling it.

Orange-Red indicates Orion could not read the state of the Firing Point from the RangeState.json file. Likely caused by a corrupt RangeState.json or RangeConfiguration.json.