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On the NC model units there are two aiming masks that periodically have to be replaced. The "Front Aiming Mask" that the athlete aims at while shooting, and the "Back Aiming Mask" that is blank and designed to help keep front mask flat.
How Often Should Aiming Masks be Replaced?
The answer to how often an aiming mask should be replaced is, "it depends." With high skilled athletes, who do not shoot up the aiming masks as much, the front mask and back masks can be replaced less often. With lower skilled athletes, who do shoot up the aiming masks, the masks should be replaced more often.
There are however a few rules and rules of thumbs to adhere to.
•In a competition, a competitor is entitled to both a fresh front and back aiming mask. A front aiming mask may be reused in a competition if it is not shot up. The back aiming mask should always be replaced at the start of each relay.
•In practice, the front aiming mask should be replaced, if is is shot up, once a day.
•In practice, the back aiming mask should be replaced once every three days.
Steps to Replace the Front and Back Aiming Masks
1.Put the Target into "Maintenance Mode." Maintenance Mode prevents the Target from scoring any false positive shots (shot's that are not real). If the Target is left in "Scoring Mode" and you physically interact with the Target it could (and likely to) score shots that are not really there.
Athena for Club customers can put a Target into Maintenance Mode by opening the "Athena Unit Maintenance" window, check the appropriate Targets, and click the Maintenance Mode button.
Athena at Home customers can put a Target into Maintenance Mode from the paired Monitor. From the main screen on the Monitor, select Menu -> Advanced -> Maintenance. Then on the left hand side, select the button next to Maintenance Mode.
2.On the Target, flip open the right and left side Locking Cams that help hold the aiming masks in place.
3.Remove the used Front Aiming Mask.
4.Using either an precision knife (e.g. X-Acto Knife) or scissors, cut the paper strip near the bottom of the frame. Leaving a clean edge on the paper strip will make it easier to seed in step X. Pull the paper strip up so it is out of the way.
5.Remove the used Back Aiming Mask.
6.Insert a clean Back Aiming Mask. The Back Aiming Mask will have a slight curve. The convex side of the mask should face the athlete. The concave side should face the rear of the Target. The Mask should seed easily with a little finesse.
7.With the Back Aiming Mask in place, feed the paper strip through the top and bottom of the frame.
On the back of the Target turn on the paper strip motor. This is the top most on/off switch (the bottom on/off switch is the Target's power).
Once the paper strip catches the roller and is snuff, turn off the motor.
8.Insert a clean Front Aiming Mask. The side of the mask with the square black alignment shape should face the athlete. The Mask should seed easily with a little finesses. The text at the bottom of the mask should seed just above the bottom of the frame.
9.Flip down the right and left side Locking Cams.
10.On the back of the target run the Self Diagnostic process.
On NC models with a single button interface, firmly press the button to start the Camera Alignment process.
On NC models with a four button interface, press the select button (the right most button).
a.When the Camera Alignment process runs the Red X and Green O lights both turn on. After a few seconds the Red X or Green O (but not both) will flash. The flashing Green O represents a success, and flashing Red X represents an error.
b.If the Red X flashes, check that the alignment shape is clearly seen, and you have the right size aiming mask loaded.
Alternatively, Self Diagnostic can be run on a Target using Orion.
11.Return the Target to Scoring Mode.
Athena for Club customers can put a Target into Scoring Mode by opening the "Athena Unit Maintenance" window, check the appropriate Targets, and click the Scoring Mode button.
Athena at Home customers can put a Target into Maintenance Mode from the paired Monitor. From the main screen on the Monitor, select Menu -> Advanced -> Maintenance. Then on the left hand side, select the button next to Maintenance Mode.
Wash Your Hands
After performing any maintenance operation on any NC Unit, which will contain lead dust, wash your hands with soap and water before returning to work or training.
See Also