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Orion's Golden Rule
Athena Support
Activating Your Athena EST Units
Getting Started with Athena at Home
Unpacking Your Targets and Monitors
Linking Your At Home Target and Monitor
Troubleshooting Linking Your At Home Target and Monitor
Getting Started with Athena for Clubs
Support Resources Kit
Customer Information Sheet
1. Setting up your Targets.
3. Setting up your Range Networking Equipment
Unpacking Your Network Manager
Unpacking Your Router and WiFi Equipment
Placing Your Access Point
4. Updating Orion
Orion Certificate Files for Athena
How to Import Root CA
Troubleshooting Connecting to the Network Manager
Windows has blocked the authentication of the security certificate
Hostname refused the connection
Hostname is not a known hostname
Cryptographic Exception
Unknown Error Connecting
Networking Port Tester
5. Assigning Displays or Targets and Monitors to Firing Points
Taking Ownership of EST Units for Clubs
Configuring Firing Points within Orion
Applying the Firing Point Labels
Updating Orion for a Replaced Target, Monitor, or Display
Setting Up the Spectator Display
Athlete Stand Assembly
Air Gun Backdrop Assembly
Powering Up and Powering Down Your Athena Range
Adding a New Firing Point or Display to Your Range
Orion's Integration with Athena
Range Control Tab
Range Script Control
Firing Point Status
Changing a Target's Segment
Display Status
Editing an Athena Scored Shot
Correcting a Shot's Location
Correcting for a False Positive Frame Hit
Correcting if Athena Failed to Score a Shot
Correcting for a False Positive Shot
Deleting a Shot
Inserting a Shot
Correcting a Double Loaded Shot
Running a Match with Athena
Rulebook Adaptations
Creating a Match for Athena
Squadding Athletes in a Competition
Sending a Relay to Athena
Managing the Range via the Range Script
Moving an Athlete to a Different Firing Point
Pausing the Range
Adding Time to the Range Timer
Running a Qualification plus Accumulative Final Match
Override Target Height
Spectator Display Integration
Setting up the Spectator Display
Downloaded the Default Display Configuration Files
Display Entity Screens
Marquee Messages
Edit Display Image Key Files
Selecting the Result Lists a Display Shows
Edit Display Event Mapping Files
Edit Color Schemes
Updating Athena's Software
Manually Updating Athena's Software
Automatic Rollback of Bad Updates
Setting an Athena Range to Practice Mode
Maintenance Operations on an Athena Range
Powering Up and Powering Down Your Athena Range
Advancing the Tape Feed Manually
Target Lift Calibration
Tape Feed Calibration
Focusing the NC Model Target Camera
Camera Calibration
Troubleshooting Connecting to the Network Manager
Network Manager Connection has Failed
Failover to IoT Cloud
Athlete Training and Practice
Log Into Athena for Practice
Practice Interface
Loading a Practice Course of Fire
Formal Practice
Informal Practice
Group Mode
Shot Calling
Range Equipment
Athena Network Configuration
Athena Network Requirements
Setting Search Domains Locally
Placing Your Access Point
Troubleshooting WiFi Connectivity
Preconfigured WiFi Network
Configuring Your Own WIFI Network
Network Manager Setup
Providing WIFI Credentials to Targets, Monitors, and Displays
Configuring/Reconfiguring Unifi Access Point
NTP Server
Network Manager
Electronic Scoring Targets
NC Models
NC Model Routine Maintenance
Maintenance Mode
Replacing the Aiming Masks
Replacing the Paper Roll
Self Diagnostics
Cleaning and Replacing Backstop Foam
Target Reports False Positive Shots
Target Fails to Score a Shot
Target Reports Erroneous Frame Hits When Shot
LED Lights on the Raspberry Pi
Calibrating NC Model Hardware
Target Lift Settings
Tape Feed Settings
Focusing the NC Model Target Camera
Camera Calibration
NC Model Repairs
Replacing the Camera Arm
Assembling the Camera Arm
External Interface
Preventing the NC Models from Getting Top Heavy
Athlete Monitors
DoW Models
DoW Model Routine Maintenance
Replacing the Micro SD Card DoW100
User Interface
Competition Interface
Maintenance Form
Spectator Displays
MM Models
Replacing the Micro SD Card on the MM100
MM Model Routine Maintenance
Composing Configuration Files for the Spectator Displays
Display Entities
Athlete Display
Image Display
Result List
Squadding List
Changing the Timings on Practice Display
Display Configuration Form
Event Assignment Files
View Configuration Files
View Definition Files
Color Scheme Files
Setting up the Spectator Displays
Display Entity Screens
Marquee Messages
Edit Color Schemes
Edit Display Image Keys Files
Downloading the Default Display Configuration Files
Selecting the Result Lists a Display Shows
Edit Display Event Mapping Files
Using the Range Timer Control Panel
Spectator Display Menu
Athena Operating System
USB Drive Functions
Take Ownership USB Drive Function
Providing WIFI Credentials to and Changing Network Settings on Targets, Monitors, and Displays
Manually Installing a New EST Build and Downloading Definition Files
Retrieving Local Logs from an EST Unit
Perform Factory Reset
Factory Reset Lock File
Do Not Eject USB After Operation
Athena SD Cards
Replacing SD Cards
NC100 and NC200 ESTs
Dow100 Athlete Monitor
MM100 Spectator Display
MM200 Range Timer
Downloadable SD Card Image
Shutting Down Your EST Units
Host Names
Network and Terminal Access
Firewall Rules
Ethernet Access
Manually Starting and Stopping Processes
Athena Log Files
Systemd Service Files
Clock Synchronization
LED Lights on the Raspberry Pi
Internet Access
Orion Desktop Support
Athlete Database
Manually Adding Participants
Adding a Competitor to the match from the Athlete Database
Database Properties
Membership Fields
Category Fields
Initializaing Your Athlete Database
Favorite Athletes, Coaches, and Range Officers
Setting Up Default Squadding
Tracking CMP Competitor Numbers
Tracking a shooter's membership number from other organizations
Maintaining a list of competitor email addresses
Printing and using Generic Barcode Labels
Software Installation
Downloading and Installing the Orion software
Installing Canon drivers for my scanner
Transferring the Orion license from an old computer to a new computer
How to move the location of the My Matches directory
Resetting Your Orion Password
"Warning, your My Matches directory does not appear to be a local hard drive." or "Warning, your available disk space is running low."
Microsoft .NET Framework is Required Notification
A firewall may be blocking network connections from Orion
Checking your Connection with the Athena Cloud
Licensing and Orion Account Information
Renewing Orion Scoring System License
Changing the Point of Contact for your Orion License
Competition Management
Best Practices
Mitigating computer and scanner problems during a competition
Best Practices for Running a Competition with Orion
Best Practices for running a LARGE competition with Orion
Rulebook Adaptations
CMP Air Pistol
CMP (Bullseye) Pistol
CMP Air Rifle
NRA Air Rifle
NRA International PIstol
NRA Precision Pistol
NRA Smallbore Rifle
National High School Rodeo Association
National Three-Position Air Rifle Council
USA Shooting Air Rifle
USA Shooting Air Pistol
USA Shooting Smallbore Rifle
Creating a Start from Zero Finals
Running an Accumulative Final with Orion plus Athena
Running an Accumulative Final with Orion using Single Bull Targets
Running an Accumulative Final with Orion using Multiple Bull Targets
BB Gun Test
Grading a BB Gun Test with Orion's BB Gun Test Answer Sheets
BB Gun Test Question Bank
Importing Athletes and Teams from an existing Orion Match
Importing Scores from an Existing Orion Match
Filling out an Orion Scorecard
Printing Orion Scorecards and BB Gun Test Answer Sheets
Submitting scores to the CMP
CMP Sanctioned Match - Including shooters with unknown CMP number
Tracking USA Shooting or NRA membership numbers in a match
Tracking JROTC Qualification Awards
Running a Reentry Match with Orion
Scanning and scoring same target twice, why do I sometimes get different score values?
Orion's Support for 25m and 50m benchrest targets
Competitor and Team Management
Link Athletes to Their Scopos Accounts
Participant Permissions Definitions
Adding a Competitor to the match from the Athlete Database
Importing Participant and Teams from an existing Orion Match
Importing BB Gun Test Scores into Orion
Creating a Team within Orion
Importing participants from an Excel file into Orion
Listing a coach for a competitor or team
Match Configuration
Match Properties
Basics / Rulebook Tab
Course of Fire Tab
Rezults Tab
Match Sharing and Privacy Settings Definitions
Comp. Num. Tab
Sanctioning Tab
Match Properties Concepts
Adding a match to a Tournament
Decimal Scoring
Dynamic Team Generation
Using Orion's Cloud Backup features
Virtual Matches
Adding a child to my Virtual Match
Creating or joining a Virtual Match
Creating and Using a Match Template
Creating a Match for use with Athena
Merging results from two Orion matches
Scanning Targets
Setting up the Canon scanner to work with Orion
Barcode Labels
Printing and using course of fire specific barcode labels
Printing and using Generic Barcode Labels
Where to apply barcode labels on targets and scorecards
Configuring Text based competitor numbers with Orion Targets
How to Fill in Target Bubbles
How to Fill in Bubbles on Scorecards
Score Cards Not Assigning to Correct Positions
Position Abbreviations
What size barcode labels do I Use?
Auto Score
Using Auto-Score for a group of shooters
Using Auto-Score for an individual shooter
Position Abbreviations
Orienting Targets for Your Scanner
Troubleshooting help for "Could not communicate with the scanner."
Error: "One or more targets were scanned in backwards."
Error: "The dimensions of xyz do not match the expected size"
Error: scanner driver is in use by another program
DR M-260 Bug Scanning with Match Original Size
Will Orion score wet targets?
Setting the scanner to detect double feeds
Two targets double-feeding through the scanner
My scanner doublefeeds targets often, is there anything I can do?
Scanner Shadows
Cleaning the Canon Scanner
Setting properties for the Canon scanner driver
Scoring Targets
Color highlights and meanings
Double Mouse-Click Commands
What do I do when there are too many shots on a target?
What do I do if a shooter fires too few shots in a stage?
Differences between Add a Shot and Identify a Shot
Orion found fewer shots, in a multi-shot hole, than actually made up the group
Special Considerations for BB Gun
Differences between red shot holes and blue shot holes
Correcting when Orion finds two shots where this is only a single shot
Correctly challenging a shot with Orion
Why is Challenging a Shot Considered Unsportsmanlike?
Can I use a plug to challenge a shot scored by Orion?
Electronic Scoring Targets
External Scoring System
Creating a Start List for SiusData
Importing shot data from SiusData
Enabling Orion to Megalink Integration
Creating a Start List for Megalink's MLRange
Importing results from MLRange
Using Orion's Shot Simulator
What is the difference between an Internal Cross-Fire and an Extra Shot Fired?
Accuracy of scoring non-lead pellets
Setting up Orion to score multiple shots per bull
Importing BB Gun Test Scores into Orion
Result List
Result List Sorting
Result List Formatting
Marking a Match Complete
Printing Results
Shot Group Analysis Metrics and Meanings
Including competitor's demographic data on printed results
Including an athletes team or club name on the individual score sheet
What Does Scoring Verification Needed Mean?
Adjusting Camera Sensitivity for Outdoor Targets
Displaying Results in Orion
Displaying Shot Groups within Orion
Interpreting the scores Orion reports
Exporting data to an Excel file
Printing a squadding list
Displaying results on the range during a competition
Grading a BB Gun Test with Orion's BB Gun Test Answer Sheets
Result Center
Competing in a League Game
Creating a League
Managing a League as the League Administrator
Regular Season Scheduling for the National Leagues
Checking Your Teams Scores
Can't Find League Game to Download
Creating a Tournament
Creating a Tournament with Grouping Functions
Enabling Result Center for my Orion Account
Uploading results to the Internet
Printing a scannable QR Code pointing to my match's online results
Displaying results on the range during a competition
Editing my Team Page on the Result Center
Listing my match in the Upcoming Matches
How do I write a preview or recap report for my match?
No Internet at the range: how to upload results
Removing a match from Result Center Team Page
Orion's Welcome Screen
Firewall Rules
Amazon Web Servivces Network Access
Scanner Hardware
System Date/Time
Keyboard Shortcuts
Log Files
Rezults Support
Creating a Scopos Account
Creating a Youth Account
Score History
Creating Your Athlete Profile
Adding an Event Style to Your Score History
Understanding Event Style Subscriptions
Interpreting Your Event Style Subscription Card
Participating in Orion's Monthly Virtual Matches
Online Store Support
Sales Tax and Tax Exempt Customers
Reconfigurable Rulebook
Definition Types
Common Properties
Result List Format Style Guide
Definition Objects
Command Style Guide
Red and Green Light Style
String Formatting
Date Time
Display Event Names
Hierarchical Name
JSON Version
Light Enabled
Score Format
Set Name
Singular Event Name
Subdiscipline and Tags
TargetLight Function
Value Series
Value Type
Set Names
Obtaining a Namespace for Your Account
Definition Versioning
Public API
Authenticated API
Internal API
Example Application Flows
Recorded Webinars and Presentations
Webinars and Clinics
Archivided Webinars
Basics of Using Orion
Orion Mobile: Live Results
Archived Presentations
Glossary of Terms
Glossary A
Glossary B
Glossary C
Glossary D
Glossary E
Glossary H
Glossary G
Glossary I
Glossary L
Glossary M
Glossary P
Glossary R
Glossary S
Glossary T
Glossary W
Open a Support Ticket
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Archives
Terms of Service
Terms of Service Archives
Setup and Walk Through Guide
Downloading and Installing Orion Scoring System
Opening Orion Scoring System
Enabling Orion with the License File
Unboxing and Setting Up the Canon Scanner
Installing Canon Drivers for Orion
Initializing Your Orion Athlete Database
Adding Athletes to the Athlete Database
Conducting an Orion Match Training Session
Match Creation
Adding Athletes to your Match from Athlete Database
Preparing Targets
Orienting Targets for Your Scanner
Assigning Targets
Verifying Targets
Ranked Results
Individual Score Sheets
Online Results
Orion Mobile App
Other Common Tasks
Creating a Team
Viewing Team Results
Assigning a Coach to a Competitor or Team
Understanding the Dashboard
Preparing for Your First Competition
Finding Additional Help